Sunday, February 3, 2008

In Chinese Time, Im Not Late For A Recap

Did i overslept again or is it really February?

An hour before 07 ended, my girl cousins and i had a little in retrospect ceremony of 2007. The said ritual started a year before that because we figured it would help to literally burn away the bad vibes and cross our fingers on things that we would want to happen (its like an early christmas wishlist for grown ups or at least trying to be one). Undeniably it was quite a fast year for the three of us, some of us got either a job or a guy while others both had the two and the same time lost it at once. Some even got more productive, more "mature", got plans done or at least halfway there while others just got more "some".

Point being, there were a lot of happy thoughts in 07 compare to the really morbid and traumatic 06. There were still a few set backs in 07 but it wasnt that bad. I dont know if we owe it to experience to take things constructively or there was just a fair balance of events that made things somehow tolerable.

There were things that dealt with a lot of waiting, trust, patience and creative ideas to make things work and happen but it was and is bearable given the simplest fact that somethings are just worth the above mentioned lessons... And of course out of all the shenanigans one has to deal with theres always people who would help you get through it. People who makes things simple to deal, understand and even feel out of this complicated rat race. People whom at whatever proximity they are from me, i can still bounce back the love they radiate.

(You know who you people are! If you feel a little jump in your heart after reading the last two sentences your guilty of both.)

I have to give it up for 2007 (Raises a triple shot of Stolichnaya vodka tonic and a banner that says free hugs). Your definitely a surprise! I dont know if i brainwashed myself early on by constantly repeating "2007, surprise me" or again, life just presented a cliche so i can get a grip off and of things, which in popular wisdom is commonly referred to as "maturity" (mental note i am not intoxicated while writing this up).

So for 2008, your indeed something to look forward to.

of why such resolution wont just work for me....


mianderthal said...


LOL, did you draw that?

Anonymous said...

hi athens...just want to let you know i moved to livejournal.

- coleen (the former