Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Real Score

Outgrowing something I think happens naturally. No coercion, no strings attached, no pressure or trying hard to keep up with what is expected. Simply, self willed. I think that there are certain points in my life that I just simply let go of things for nothing more or less of letting go's sake. That I give up or give in to something because its about time that I become steadfast about change.

There are also things that I don't have to let go or give up. Things that as the cliche would go, would just die a natural death. It takes time, patience, an epiphany even, but it would just eventually leave me and its absence wont even be missed. But there are also certain things that I hold on to. Things that I chose not to outgrown not because I cling to the hope that keeping 'em would also mean keeping the child in me, but simply, these are the things that I should not let myself lose. I cant just let these things slip away because I might end up losing a part of me that had been the very definition of who I am, as others see me as and most as what I have always seen in myself.

Or at least, what I have always believed, I am.

But there is confusion in change....

Confusion of the real score if the said transition proved me wrong about myself or I was, or i should say, I am right all along. I start to wonder if I'm fading away into the idea that I have become my own worse nightmare or am I holding back in being the best possible person that I can be?

Eubert asked me, whats out there after college? I can only say, we're about to find out. I said so in the hope that I can convince myself to look forward to it. To somehow grasp the idea that it has been four years (in case i lost track of the days again) and its time to move on. Because for the past weeks, as everyone was getting into the graduation hype, I got myself in a roller coaster ride of recollections and it brought me to ask myself if I'm ready to put myself out there?

Am i really ready to put myself out there knowing that for the past four years it was a struggle to keep myself all together?

I thought this is about the what ifs, but I was wrong. This is no longer about my frustrations, the change of plans and even my desperate attempts to satisfy my ego. This is about the "what is" that I cant fill in for myself further other than a blank.

"I" sounded better than "We"...


Anonymous said...

Let me borrow Gin Blossoms' album name -- Congratulations, I'm sorry.

(as in -- Congratulations you have finished another chapter in your life. But I'm sorry, the next chapter could be a rollercoaster ride. anyway, you can survive anything... so I guess you'll just do fine)

blueskies said...

there's always uncertainty especially after finishing a chapter of your life. that's the exciting part though, you get to start something again. :)

i was so scared of it too because i can be such a kid, and after college i'm expected to be a mature person that patients will listen too. eek!

mianderthal said...

finally and update!

parang yesterday lang when you were still writing about your school's prom. tas now you're done with college.

i believe you'll do fine as long as you don't lose yourself like most people do. haha. it's hell trying to find yourself again. not even a bottle of tequilla helps. XD

samplawer said...

grabe!!! amipalaya just highlighted how long i have known you, tenz!!! parang yesterday lang when i was sorta easing yer uncertainty about college.. im smiling as i write this... what an accomplishment, girl!!! now you graduate... another chapter in life to blog about.. teehee.. cant wait to read more... well done tenz!!! so proud of you..
now you can get to choose where life leads you..

Aldrin said...

:* tsup tsup