Tuesday, August 28, 2007

His Indefinite Leave

Before 9:05 last Wednesday night, he was sitting in one of those rows of plastic chairs, excited to go back to home and at the same time saddened of an indefinite leave from her. Her who embraced this young nomad with all her arms and he reciprocated by loving everything about her. Her simplicity, her food, her people and most just being herself on a lazy day at the beach.

I remember the first time i met him, crown regency in the wee hours of the morning. I lost count on the Red Horse ive drowned into and the kids who were puking, he passed by to join the party and had already consumed X number of bottles before hand. We talked by the pool, hardly making sense since the good cold beer was kicking in but there was a commonality, the excitement about the kadayawan and the interest to know more about each other.

The party didnt ended yet but we had to part ways. Tomorrow or i should say later was another day for him to have her his way, with loads of real fun.

Since then i havent saw him much but we were constantly conversing through the words we write to express out ourselves. We rarely bump into each other, or each other's friends. Occasionally if opportunity permits, he and i meet up to catch up and of course find soberness in intoxication. And in those encounters I could not help but be in retrospect that in some way, he unknowingly taught me to think out of the box. That its alright not to be sure yet of what we want as long as we know what we dont want.

Coffee, photos, red wine, pastas and friends were shared, as well as stories of the best and worse. It's a relief knowing you have somebody you can share certain interest with and at the same time would listen and make you listen back. He's one of those people with a few words to say but would hit you back good. Like you need to do some deep thinking and stop whining. He and I were almost always like that, and of course with alcohol (if there's no flight the next day) on the side.

Impromptu is no overstatement here in Davao that is why it was easy to get in touch. But then since at this very moment he is back to where he should be for now, the red wine sessions are put to hault indefinitely too.

And so as he bid a silent goodbye to her, the city he had grown to love dancing with to the beats of life. My Davao, of which he was and still is a part of, I raised a cold ice red horse and drink it straight up to my long haired and good friend Kuya Jerry.


Sorry I didnt won, but salamat sa cheers! hahahahahaha


jerry said...

salamat. tsk tsk, lalo ko tuloy namiss ang davao.

pero magkita man pud kita. kagamay sa kalibutan. basta naay red horse, magkasinabot man jud ta!

ayo ayo dha. kita kita.

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