Wednesday, August 29, 2007

CP Week

I almost had it with my group that its seriously way better getting 40 for the case presentation than get all stressed out from their lack of use of their initiative. Initiative, i believe is innate and its just being possessed with laziness that people tend to be very stagnant. I think so because i also have the tendency to flip my priorities top to bottom when the bad wind hits me. But when the situation mandatory requires me to be at least a little bit responsible, i try to lower than the notch of my procrastination. (It's hard to go all the way cold turkey when its becoming a daily habit.)

For this semester i purposely choose not to be the leader/slave of the group because i think other people should have their time to shine too (this is the glorified version of, i think we need to take turns on who gets the least sleep and the biggest eye bags). And I'm not really the leader. Well not technically, or so i thought. Though how much i hid myself from the limelight, cooperated when my "membership" was needed and did nothing more or less of what was expected of me, it still haunts me. The prey eyes of my former group mates knows how to melt my heart to succumb to their request of help. Plus they know very well I can never say no to brewed coffee. After all, i think its pay back time for all the backup excuses they effortlessly and kindly did for me when i go invisible mode. They save my ass, I save their ass. Its the golden rule.

There's just a few setbacks that i pointed out when I tried to resuscitate our group back. I specifically mentioned that under any circumstances I do not want to hear anybody whining about having too much work to do. I don't care if your too lazy to do it, you don't know how do it (this is really the lamest excuse considering we are on our "senior" year) your juggling time to do it, or you think your so goddamn special you shouldn't be doing it. That's fair enough considering i did all 2 and helped out on the rest out of the 4 manuscripts we have passed. I'm not gonna be the hero again. I think its better we get zero than one of us suffering from induced narcolepsy and information overload.

So this week, I'm brazing myself. I know i can handle the sleepless nights well, the "pressure" and the interrogation of our instructor. What i don't want to be dealing with are complete sissies who think they're better off doing less or completely nothing because they are pesky obese spoiled brats who spent their entire childhood hauling off foods from their fridge.

I don't give a damn if your "somebody", especially if your the kind who cant pick their own brain up on the floor.


bananas said...

i swear on my dead grandmother's ass, i can't see u being a group leader. hahahahaa

Athens said...