Monday, August 27, 2007

Just Keep Pressing the Green Triangle

There are times when I wish to comfort is an extraordinary power like how superman can get himself to fly or how spidey does that shooting web trick from his arm. In that way its easier to accept that it is somehow impossible and out of this world. But truthfully, although its easy to say and wish to do, to comfort somebody when their hopes are down is no job of a superhero, but an involuntary act of someone who simply cares.

The closer you are to a person is directly proportional to how much you want to comfort them pronto and how clueless you can get on what to do to. Somehow it disrupts the idea that we know much or enough of this person to know what and what not to do but I guess the negative side of things always stir people up and our reactions as well to become unpredictable.

I remember the summer of 2006. The heat gets as far as penetrating your internal organs and what was worse was it was those days when i wasn't much of myself. Although the bitchy (blame humidity) part was still there I cannot help but think that at that point in time I loosed it. Both the walls i build around my self and the safety net in case i go free falling to rock bottom. Friends were there whether I needed them and even when i thought i didn't. But no matter how grateful I am for the overwhelming love and overflow of alcohol they cannot do something about it unless I start making my own move.

They're the one who paused with me but kept on pushing that play button until they were sure and I too, that I'm "working" again.

I havent been through a lot, but i guess i had enough to see things at a better perspective than i used to. Now, i think about every circumstances or events as an opportunity. A sort of deception because when you learned that lesson, that certain lesson that there is a purpose for everything, every person you meet, every thing you have, every event you take part of, plus every hurt you get along the way, you get to accept that at the same time that shit happens something better also does.

It takes a while to get the hint but eventually it will just come into you. Like an epiphanythat sucks your life force out and blast you with a better one.

And i think when you really do care about somebody its like that. Sucking up their negative vibe till you can get enough hell out of them that they can manage to deal. You stay or become optimistic than ever because when a friend is all bruised up with life, and you get them to smile just for a second you make their load and yours as well lighter.

Im no super hero thats for sure. But somehow i've learned to cope and help the people i care about to do the same. Words, hug, food, goofing around and yes even a few rounds of drinks may not be much but its something to start with.

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