Friday, July 6, 2007

Tripe O Seven

Kuya and I were never really close. I could still remember our WWF moments when we were still kids. He'll do the people's elbow on me and he wont stop till i cry out grasping for air and turn blue. Or that time when he totally banned me from even touching the now defunked family computer. Looking back its quite hilarious why we were doing such. I guess its just a typical manifestation of childhood rivalry considering that we were just a year apart. In some way we were always being compared (because brussesls was not yet in the picture) and it was such a drag because it was pretty obvious  that we were uncomparable.

We were two different little monsters with names of capital cities, the same family name and the love for ginataang monggos (the only thing my kuya and I have in common).

When he left for New York last year, i got to admit that it took distance to patch up our differences. We were talking over the phone or at YM almost everyday. He'd asked about my day I asked his. It amazed me that before when he was just at the room next to mine we were barely talking and now a thousand miles away were somehow updated with eachothers lives. I would never forget when he hugged me when I went back last april. He was never a hugger. I only get to be mushy with him when its his birthday or sometimes during christmas and get to kiss him on the cheeks. But a hug?! What happened to my obnoxious kuya?!!!

Though we have those little stupid fights I know my kuya loves me. He was just not the the showy type but I know he would kick anybodys ass once they hurt me. It happened not just once and at times i regret never saying thank you. It means a lot to me having a handy protector and i guess because we werent that "mature" yet it was a given fact that he'll rescue me, thank you or no thank you.

This day is special for him not only since he gets to be certified legal (state side) but astrologist have predicted that this day is the luckiest day of the millenium. July 7, 2007 or 07/07/07 marks kuya's 21st birthday and I have known for a fact that he was excited about this day for almost a year now. I wish im new york now to celebrate wtih him and mama and papa but were just gonna throw a party here. Cyber inum as my dad said.

I wish him all the blessings life has to offer. Happiness in his own way chosing. And most determination to put things into priorities and make them happen.

Kuy-kuy, thanks for being the brother that you are. To some you may not be the ideal one but to me, you are. Thanks for taking care of me and bruss when mama and papa were away and even when you were away. I cant wait for us to be all together, hopefully by next year and make the plans we have for Samantha for real. I know for sure you can get your way there, just think of our family when everything seems to go in the dumps. I miss you alot and ill see you soon. Good luck on school!

no doubt he's my brother hahaha!

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