Wednesday, June 27, 2007

When Everything Just Happened Naturally, Like This...

At the beach last Sunday, i couldnt help but think of the things ahead of me. Of oppurtunities, choices, and experiences that somehow, in one way or another, no matter how absurd it maybe, are all a part of a tappestry of a bigger picture which is the "now". My now...

Im sure it wasnt a result of nostalgia from Juan's and Rica's home made tuna spread (super yum yum) or that long overdued swimming lessons i promised Aldrin. I guess it just one of those days when everything felt so good and true and you know that things could still get a lot better and a lot simplier.

Jerry said that these feelings happen at times when we badly need it and most when were ready for it. Its been a while since I get to radiate happiness and im glad that when i least expected it, it happened and it is happening. I have let go of whats good enough because something and someone better came along.

I looked at the beach and though the sound of the waves used to bring me to a melancholic state, now it was totally different. I felt good. I felt euphoria. The waves crashing to the shore are now soothing to hear, like gentle blows of air entering my ear. Things somewhat had a change of state and Its all because of my vibrant days.

the nerd meets the bully... and vise versa

samplawer made this comment,
naks... so inlove na talaga? teehee. miss you tenz... ingatz
comment added :: 30th June 2007, 05:13 GMT+08
lushlips made this comment,
as we stroll along together holding hands walking all along so in love are we two that we don't know what to do so in love.. in a world of our own as we walk by the sea together under stars twinkling high above so in love are we two no one else but me and you so in love in a world of our own...

song is too old. wala lang.. naisip ko lang... i miss u gurl...

comment added :: 9th July 2007, 09:37 GMT+08

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