Thursday, May 24, 2007

When we say the same words together

I got worried. The worried type that has been somewhat dormant in me that it felt unfamiliar. It is possible that over time I must have gone overboard my selfish tendencies that I just forgot about it. I forgot how far i could and would go to care about somebody. And when it sinked in, when people around me go estatic of sudden changes and when someone told me I make him go on nostalgia through late night sudden food trips, it all came back.

Nix said that its ok. That its part of what is instore in that package that has the right time to open. Eubert on the other hand asserts that I know better. That i positively and undeniably know the element that just make things worth it. Both strongly believes (and i mean strongly) that i have to live with my summer being manageable and at the same time being taken care of.

Im not complaining. I just dont know the right words or even mood to express how that light feeling when "caring" is no longer bottled up. Its a good feeling i must admit. I just have this bad habit to be brief (and even bad) with words that most take forgranted.

Its not the age part, not even the worrying or the persons we have to be. Im happy to worry about him. I like worrying about him. I just dont want to mess up when its going smooth sailing.

Beer for bear? -Aldrin

gail made this comment,
be careful...and be happy!
comment added :: 30th May 2007, 11:11 GMT+08
biberli made this comment,'s time to check with the OB :D
comment added :: 1st June 2007, 03:04 GMT+08

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