Friday, March 2, 2007

Sucker Punch Em

Technically i have no right to make any say about the upcoming elections. First because I opted to spend a full day in the beach with rhum-coke and lemons than waiting in line to get registered (cant blame me it was a school break) and second, Im not sure that if i do vote, it will be counted (now this we know whom to blame). But since I watch tv now, I am deeply concern that my precious time is being wasted on serioulsy-your-running candidates and unchoreographed overpriced political ad campaigns.

Lets start first with Pacman. Dont take me wrong,i love this guy for being a kick or i should say punch ass bisaya. He has brought honor to our country more than the president had in her 2 terms. But he running as congressman for Gen-San is purely preposterous. Goodness, the guy cant even construct correct subject verb agreement how much more mandate laws. Yes, I am indeed undermining his law-making capacity because as far as i can remember im not yet insane like those who believe that he can make it to congress. If he wants to help the poor then he can drove in his porshe cayenne all over gen-san and shower moohlahs all over the place. Pacquiao fits to be a philanthropist not the guy who will be wearing barong tagalog behind a 2 storey high phillipine flag with a big poster of 'sucker-punch-me' on his forhead.

Manny Pacquiao cannot be congressman (atleast for now), just because!!! And whoever thinks he can should be sentence to a firing squad by all of Pacquiao's 20 exempted firearms from the election gun ban.

Them celebrities.

I get it that my movie ticket purchase is very vital for the film industry but seriously I would rather receive an upper cut from Pacquiao than watch a tagalog movie. This attitude of mine made me realized that maybe thats why them celebrities want to run for senators to get cope up with the revenues they should have got from people like me. People like me who would rather watch the weather channel than spend both time and money on the latest tagalog flick.

Does bench want to be the national clothing line and letting Gomez run will be the only way to ammend such law? Because if that was the case I would surely vote for him (that is if i was registered to do so). He's tall dark and handsome and he would surely walk around senate with supervly pressed designer taileored suits. He will spice up senate with his fashion sense and it would be a refreshing site from all those senior citizens but what else can he do other than endorsing bench briefs to be the national underwear? The guy looks smart, confident cocky type even but lets face it, his catwalk apperances or movie portfolios is not enough and should not be a basis for voters to vote him. Is he even a political science graduate? Or is he even a college graduate even for Ben Chan's sake?

But serioulsy if the slot as his campaign manager is still open I'd apply. I just have the perfect strategy for his campaign. Im gonna gather up the bench boys and have them do an underwear fashion show for pre-bono (im use they would say yes and so that admin cant say we spent too much on hunky models). John Hall would be wearing a black super low brief, Wendell Ramos would be in a very sexy white underwear but before that I poured a bucket load of water to give him that wet look (haha), ofcourse Gomez gets to ramp with his boxers of choice (he should atleast be decent since he's "senatoriabl") and the finale, my ultimate super duper crush (next to andy roddick) Rob Duat with his gorgeous puckered lips would be on a black butt cheecks exposing brief. Olala! Its gonna be hot! Gomez gets plus point and who knows maybe this kind of below the belt strategy would win him a sit in senate hahahahahaha.

Montano.. What the fuck is he thinking running for senator. Seriously?! And was (and still is) the administration on drugs for putting him in their party? I just dont get it with celebrities who have no political background whatsoever (even a purok leader or a college subject on philippine constitution) and just all of a sudden decide to run for a legislative position. Dont they get the gravity of legislation? Its not enough that they sing around in their campaigns and flash their celebrity smiles.

Montano and Gomez needs to reasses themselves if they are indeed ready for the senate. If they are really man enough like what they always portray in their movies, they would have the decency to step down form their senatioral campaign and accept the fact that they need first to know how the law works before making one.

I've been listening to's podcast on the 2007 senatoriable candidates and i salute to whoever is behind this. Not only that it is very accesable but the fact that I know who says alot of bullshit . They havent completed the complete senatioriable line up yet but so far only 3 of them had caught my attention because out of them all I think they were the only one who knows what they were talking about.

PS. I cant wait for Gomez and Montano's podcast. Im sure it will be hilarious!

blueskies made this comment,
i have a feeling it will be like a popularity contest (not that it isnt already). someday philippines will be governed by celebrities and the likes. the horror.
comment added :: 6th March 2007, 07:52 GMT+08
lushlips made this comment,
oist! mustasa kalabasa? im smiling while reading ur entry. i can still imagine ur face telling stories. whahah.. it's been 2 weeks mare! mukang lilipat ako ng linksys davao! hahha... sana pala nagpunta kame ng bakasyon no? we'll be back on july or sept yipeee!

nanood ka ng TV? bored ka n naman? heheh... it's sooo true.. nakakainis isipin na kung sino sino lang ung tumatakbo sa election. nakakadiri c goma at montano. horror talaga...

miss u!

comment added :: 6th March 2007, 13:05 GMT+08
drei made this comment,
wow political ngayon si shawty. hehe. :) personally, i really don't think my vote would count. change is a long process, and one vote from me is irrelevant. i know this is a bad mindset, but i'd rather be like this and be selfish. life is too short to worry about pathetic stuff like politics. hehe. :)
comment added :: 6th March 2007, 14:20 GMT+08 ::
Shawty made this comment,
blueskies: a horror indeed. im not into horror movies as much as i despise tagalog hahahahaha

lush: mare!! miss narin kita.. lipat kana kasi sa davao para gabi gabi tayong naglalakad hahahahaha. and yes sa kakabored ko nanuod ako ng tv nagsulat pa ako nito hahahahaha.. go nuts!!!

dre: a teacher told me that i should excercise my right to vote, but i told her what worries me is that will my vote actually get counted??!!!!!! hahahahaha

comment added :: 6th March 2007, 16:56 GMT+08

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