Monday, February 26, 2007


The semester about to end, beating deadlines for manuscripts, irritating case presentations and not in good timing breakups, these seems to be too familiar. Friends have been caught up with the first quarter bug (the losing someone signifacant months) and somehow it feels like de javu except that the story line doesnt evolve on me now. Sometimes I dont want my friends to experience crying in the middle of typing analyses at 3am so that a draft will be pass by 7am sharp, but I realize they should, at one point in there lives become pathetic to realize when people go and when they actually lose them.

Guilt often suffice after loss that is why I told a friend that If it feels good, if it makes you feel better, go for it. At the end of the day you would be the only one crying alone in your room, you owe it to yourself to deserve some amusement. Each of us have its own mechanism to handle loss. Some never cease to smoke just so they wont forget to breathe, while others, make themselves believe that they have gotten over. We may follow the process of griefing or defy it. What matters is that we did everything we can to pull ourselves back together.

I stand corrected by Ron the other night. He had a good point. Maybe we can get through loss without going through the DABDA process. That we can actually proceed to acceptance directly without passing Denial, Anger, Bargaining and even Depression. Will Smith in The Persuit of Happiness defines 'probably' as having a good chance on something to happen. Ron was probably right. But for the first time ever he ran out of a concrete reason to piss me off (haha!). I know for sure he wouldnt agree on experience as a basis but according to life, there are some things that just let us out of control. Things that let us defy the law of succession, like love and its dreaded counterpart, loss.

I think DENIAL would be a good coping mechanism for him, definetly NOT alcohol hahaha

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