Sunday, February 20, 2005

Crush Flashback

Im having a "crush" on my blockmate and my friend is teasing me ever since i told her that he was cute. Also she kept on telling me that she noticed that my crush was looking and starring at me (this was all according to my friend).She almost screamed on top of her lungs when my crush touched me for no reason at all when he passed by me at the hall. Im not use to teasing because i rarely have crushes (its not abnormal right?). When my friend said i was blushing i said IM NOT and told me, the last time you told me you had a crush it was centurys ago. I smiled and suddenly had a flashback.

The first time i had a crush errr... i cant hardly remember (Lets just say that on that area i was a late bloomer) Probably it was on my sophomore highschool on my seatmate J and the boy infront of my seat who's name starts with J too. I started having crushes sooo late might as well have two at the same time lol. So we wont get confuse lets make seatmate J, J1 while the other J2 (im witholding their names for my own safety).

During second year higschool boys would sworn all over me not because i was drop dead gorgeous but because i was the first one to have a gameboy advance and i had a tony hawk pro-skater cartridge. I didnt know boys could be such a pushover. It takes a handheld and an extreme game to get their attention and make them realize you excist. Now who's easy huh? So there i was playing super mario advance in the middle of Filipino class when J1 leaned over to me and said, uy tenz naa naka tong bag-o na gameboy. Lingawa uy colored kaau mura nag PS-one [uy tenz meron ka na pala nung bagong gameboy. Ok ah colored talaga parang PS-one]. And the gamer me compared to him the difference of the obsolete gameboys to the GBA which i know he didnt bother. He asked me what are my other games so i said, blah blah blah and the magic word tony hawk pro skater 2. His eyes lit up and the next thing i know he has been reminding me after our dismissal to bring my GBA the next day.

J2 on the other hand noticed that J1 and I were always talking and peaked on what were we busy talking about. And when he turned to look he then also morphed into my secretary reminding me to bring my GBA the next day after our last class. They even brought their own AA batteries and take turns playing. I get to talk to them alot while they were busy pushing buttons. See having a crush for me is not just all about looking at him at a distance while your mind races off to wherever. It was about getting to know this person you find cute or nice without blowing it off by blushing or stuttering infront of his face.

It went on like that for quite sometime till one day the two argued of who gets to play with the GBA. It was total nonsense, two guys fighting over a gameboy. They should have fought over me instead. (hahaha joke!). But anyways to avoid further chaos and my GBA from falling, i got hold of it and never brought it to school again. The three of us didnt spoke to eachother for days but soon we shoove it off like no harsh words were said and a fist fight was about to happen. I still got to know the boys better even without the trusty GBA of mine. They were more than the boy next door face, they were also fun, loving and caring guys.They're not just my batchmate or classmate from nursery but they have become two of my good friends.

**When the guys knew i was transfering to another school for my junior year. J2 gave me his ID, yup he just handed it down to me saying tenz, remembrance oh then he smiled. J1 on the other hand offered me his ID too but some fat bitch got it so he made a graffiti of my name on his no use notebook and told me to keep it. ( i still have both in that box for the keepsakes).

back to reality...

I told my friend not to make a big deal about it. I mean the guy is just my crush so is andy roddick, marc nelson and ethan hawke. Its not like im cheating on my boyfriend. duh!!! Binubusog ko lang mga mata ko di ako nagiging salawahan.

diba, CORRECT!??? (damn i had too much game ka na ba today!)

Minnie Me says:

Shut up Shut up Shut up dont wanna know it.

A visitor made this comment,
binubusog mo mata mo.. heheh thats a good way of looking at it.. ;) having crushes are fun.. makamingaw ang kilig feeling noh? and like you i was a late bloomer too.. =)


comment added :: 21st February 2005, 01:16 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
ooooh, galing naman. nakilig ako konte. hahaha. yeah, guys can be such pushovers, well, at least you know how to get their attention, its either short skirts or a game accessory. you're a point ahead than those silly girls who simply bat their eyelashes.


comment added :: 21st February 2005, 08:51 GMT+08
CNBGirl made this comment,
they should've fought over you. :D

aliw yung mini-me's mo sa header. shwrt na shawty talaga. ;)

comment added :: 21st February 2005, 14:13 GMT+08

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