Tuesday, February 15, 2005


3 - Three bombs exploded yesterday and one hit the city terminal at around 5:30pm followed by an explosion in a nearby mall in Gen. San by 6:40pm and finally in Makati at around 7:15. Davao had been to alot of bomb scare the last one that killed many was the bombing at the former Davao International Airport. Since then, the city has its own military men called the Task Force Davao. They are the men in uniform parading in bars, malls, schools and every crowded places there is. Military visibility is so common in the city its like seeing traffic officers in the middle of the street. I have no idea what the hell happened that the terrorist bombed the city again. TF Davao has been scrutinizing every vehicle going to the city, there's checkpoints in every city boundary from every direction. It was either the terrorist was in the city and made the bomb here or the whole TF Davao was on a valentines date.

2 - Two girls kissing. Yup i saw it live for my eyes to behold and my stomach to do summersaults, two girls kissing. It was kinda odd though, not the usual thing like seeing a guy and a girl kissing. I also didnt know that my 2 friends would take my dare seriously. We were on the way to karl's for coffee and i was joking them about kissing since its the love day and lo and behold when i turned my head to the back seat they were kissing. Oh well their totally out to us even our guy friends so let them be.

1 1/2 - One and half cases of redhorse stallion for us to savor for the 14th of february. Me and my highschool buddies rounded up at our usual inuman (redhorse is only at 20 pesos there!) and gulped all the alcohol we could. There was no fuss about every single one of us not having dates for the so called love day (except the two girls) but we were arguing which beer was stronger, San Mig Light's Strong ice or Redhorse. They say it was Strong Ice because of the WHAPPAAKKK thingy. But the argument ended when yours truly the suppose to be alchohol guru spoke.

Me: Strong Ice has only 6.3% alcohol while Redhorse has 6.8% alcohol content. Now accounting student man kaha ka unsa mas dako .3 or .8? [Now accounting student ka diba ano mas malaki .3 or .8?]

Accounting Boy: .8 alangan

Me: so which beer is much stronger now?

Accounting Boy: Red Horse hehehehe. Time sa ngano kabalo man ka na 6.8% alcohol ang RH tas 6.3% ang Strong Ice. [Teka bat alam mo na 6.8% alcohol content ng RH at 6.3% naman sa Strong Ice]

Me: Duh! Kadako sa 6.3% alcohol na label sa strong ice. [ Duh! Ang laki ng 6.3% alcohol label sa strong ice]

Accounting Boy: Unya sa RH wala man lagi naka butang sa botilya. [Pero sa RH di naman nilagay yung alcohol content sa bote.]

Me: Member man gud ko sa www.redhorsebeer.com. Sign up pud naa didto all about RH. [member kasi ako ng www.redhorsebeer.com sign up karin para malaman mo all about the beer]

1 - One brewed macadamia coffee for me as i listen of how late am i to the news that a batchmate of ours [my classmate during my junior year] was put to drug rehab. Carlo was my classmate who was dragged by his dad to a drugtest clinic and was found ofcourse positive for using drugs (alangan ipadrugtest ba na kakahihit lang hehehehehe). His drug addiction reached its highest level when he started throwing everything in their house, raised his middle finger infront of his dad and threw the statue of the virgin mary. So his parents decided to take him to the rehab. Were glad that his parents did that. I mean we know Carlo has some talent and we dont want him to wreck his life because of drugs. We all hope that he'll rocover soon and never ever take shabu again.

0 - Zero as in nada calls from him the whole day. He did texted early in the morning though but nothing followed. He said he was suppose to call when 12am strikes but his phone didnt alarmed. Well doesnt matter cause from now on he cant call me on my cellphone. Lets just say my cellphone bid goodbye hehehehe.

So how was your 14th of February?

A visitor made this comment,
psst.. i miss you.. bt d u nagrereply sa mga txt ko?? nwei, wag masyado maggala gala sa daanan daming bomb ngayon... tc.. mwah.. wuvyah siz..

kathy [funkifreaks@yahoo.com]

comment added :: 15th February 2005, 18:37 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
wawa naman sa mga bomba, sana sa pelikula lang. tsk, tsk. hehe...

sa girls kissing, sana kinunan mo ng pic. lol

wow, galing, thanks for the tip on the alcohol content thing... haha... but i still prefer stong ice, or pwede na rin yung dal'wa... hehe..

check out http://www.sanmigstrongice.com kung gusto mong maging myembro, sinearch pa talaga... lol


comment added :: 15th February 2005, 18:46 GMT+08
nicole made this comment,
i just found out about the whole bombing thing late yesterday, hope everyone is okay there :D

take care! nicole

comment added :: 16th February 2005, 02:36 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
naks! tomador! hehe sweto kaau.. di nalang ilalis.. yeah the bombings sure brought a scare to every Filipinos.. I cant understand why some people can be so heartless..


comment added :: 16th February 2005, 05:40 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
naks, nice entry... my hearts day was just another day in the life of moi.



comment added :: 16th February 2005, 09:16 GMT+08
electrica made this comment,
happy vday, musta ang inom? asa ka inom?

Visit me @ http://electrica.blogdrive.com

comment added :: 16th February 2005, 09:58 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
hello.you had a pretty eventful valentines.being around friends is always a good thing. about your "summer in ny",i think you shouldnt look at it as some kind of a chore.i will do anything to go to new york! nice kid.


comment added :: 16th February 2005, 16:28 GMT+08
Shawty made this comment,
kathy: cencia na kat. my phone is so dead as in patay.

ed: ang perv mo!! joke lang hahahaha. sorry dude but loyal ako sa RH. virgin (term we call the san mig people) pa kau ka

nicole: im alrighty ate nics.. too bad no bomb can mess up my night lol

nina; yeah it was a scare but not to me. tagay dyud tirada hehehehe

nix: we will watch constantine. you know where to "contact" me right hehehehe

freu: want to trade places? hehehehe

comment added :: 16th February 2005, 21:46 GMT+08

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