Thursday, June 5, 2003

Missing Or Not Missing The Sun Rise

Its been raining for almost two weeks and damn its suppose to be summer here. I cant hardly see the sun when i wake up (which is around 1pm)..

For about 2 months or so i miss seeing the sun rise.. ive been waking up late due to late nights or i should say early morning internet addiction.. since the timezones are different i should be online on unusual hours but not really that unusual.. i often go to bed late back home due to excessive phone chats (reminds me of the time i got grounded for my stupidity)..

i just miss the sunrise and my early mornong coffee before i start my day... it was like my routine and due to some "vacation" it was all ruined or i should say paused for a while..

but back to the sunrise.. maybe its not really the sunrise im missing maybe its people who means like the sun to me (now i sound pathetic) people who made me shine and come out brught ( this is weird, i dont know what im talking about).. or maybe the person who makes my day worth leaving.. i miss his early morning greeting of hey-better-wake-up-or-be-late line.. i often wonder if he had this line as a template in his phone.. it may not sound as sweet as the flowers blooming nor it may not be as melodic as the birds chirping but somehow it makes me smile and get my butt out of my bed..

i miss those days.. i miss those mornings. i miss my sun.. and damn i really miss him!!! (now im beggining to be cheesy)

But im not looking forward to see the usual sunrise again when i get home.. the sunrise that starts my day with a smile. its 8 more days and ill be back home.. its been more than 2 moths that i missed the sun rise and i hope that 2 moths time is enough to make me forget about the sun rise i used to have.. (damn what the hell am i talking)

now il just keep on crossing my fingers that when i come back my sun rise misses me too oooppppsss erase erase.. let me do it again....

now ill just keep on crossing my finger that when i come back i wont see the sun rise as what i see it before (now this is much better)

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