Tuesday, June 3, 2003


me?? im me

i was named after the greek city of the goddess of wisdom but hell no wisodm wasnt bestowed upon me.. im currently stilll 15 and turning 16 in four months.. im the middle child (unwanted as many says) of 3 siblings.. and yes i feel unwanted hehehhe..(due to many incidents)

im just a girl looking for fun and adventure in life.. i call myself a bum or even a party maniac but hey bars over a nature trippin damn im gonna go for mother nature.. im not the typical teenager cause i always say im an eight year old kid trap in a 15 year old body.. its not that i dont want to grow up its just that being in a kids life is what i always want.. attention,no worries,love, toys u say it kids have it.. they should be the least deprived people in the world..

to make story short im a rebel who often break the rules than follow it.. but hey i know my limits.. for now i just want to have fun fun fun.. and ofcourse learn as i slowly tip toes to the stairs of life

this is me too:

*i have a great passion for guitar and music and im really into it.. i want to have the PATIENT trait which most musician wants.... but im not really good good its just i havent learned that much yet hehehe

*damn i love coffee.. cant leave with out it.. i know for a young age i should be drinking it but hey why would something be bad if it really feels good and i dont believe the crap that it kills brain cells cause coffee is my tranquilizier it soothens my brain hahahaha

*drinkung?? sure its part of my system.. its not that im in a bad crowd its just it happens.. im in highschool and stuff like that really happens

*smokin?? nyaah i pass on that.. i quit and hopefully im quitting for good.. but one puff wont hurt ayt?? hahaha

*books are good i dont believe that you should be called a dork or a nerd for reading a book.. im not into those cheesy pocket books nor fairytale stuff.. im into philosphy and some spiritual stuff (stuff not suitable for my age) hahaha.. i have this passion for philosphy that i got from browsing over my tito's book collections..

*i do admit that i write to get the stress off my body or the things that linger in my mind.. writting gives me the freewill to speak and the freewill to express ofcourse writtiing isnt complete without a cup of coffee : )

*i treasure my friends like myself... dont get me wrong but isnt it ourselves is our best treasure or its the other way around.. mess with my friends and ill mess with you big time.. i got this "i-dont-care-if-your-right-or-wrong-attitude" thats why i often get into trouble hahaha...

*i love coffee

hmm ano pa ba I LOVE COFFEE again hahahaha

bsta me is me?? i choose to be me cause i want to be me.. yun na yun


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