Tuesday, June 3, 2003

This Is It

ive been looking for so long of a thing like this and damn im so glad to find one.. thanks to some guy from a forum now i could reveal all the thoughts running through my mind..

its about 8 days to go and soon ill be leaving for the phillipines.. im now in new york having some quality time with my parents who i havent seen for around 2 years and so.. it was fun shopping and goin to other places but i hate it when they scold me about the stuffs that ive been doing back home..

blab this blab that.. what happened to you dear?? thats what they always say.. i just keep quiet coz i have no idea what to say.. i guess they'll listen but they wont understand thats why being quiet is my primary option.. but what the heck.. ill soon be leaving the big apple and be back to the place where i call my home..

it just realize that its so ironic how im so psyched to go home compare when i left for new york.. my friends were asking me how excited i was but duh!!! i wasnt!! probably i was nerveous of the sars that i might get in korea or hi jacking from some terrorist or be caught in the pathetic war of iraq ang us(i left about last week of marh the war thing was still a big craze).. maybe those were the feelings i felt but ECXITED?? nyaah..

but anyway im glad that ill be waiting 8 more days.. no more washing the dishes.. no more throwing the garbage.. no more freaking cold nights.. no more fatty foods.. no more subways and busses.. no more picture taking(damn i look like chinese now thanks to those bright flashes).. no more unlimited interent access but hey im looking forward for MORE OF HOME

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