Monday, March 19, 2007

Sponsor Me

As far as I can remember (without looking at my status), ive been with blog-city for more than 3 years. If not for Chinito (who at that time was with blog-city who wrote that certain peyup's article that led me through his blog), i would never get lost at this one hell of a great blog host. I heart blog-city for its simplicity. Creating an entry here is no rocket science and plus, im spared with html tweaking. I know friends who moved because blog-city didnt allow them to grow html wise but still I stayed because im such a sucker for comfort. Theres that probability of separation anxiety but overall I didnt moved because I wanted to write more than to enhance my layout. With blog-city I did a couple of redesign (changed colors and added up bookmarks) but it was work that even a kindergaraten could do. Two words to describe why i fell in love with this hosting service, NOT COMPLICATED!

Im still on the firm belief that content is way beter than widgets. Haha! Thats just my lazy ass talking.

Blog-city has announced its shift from a free bloging service to a paying one. I have till the end of the year though to either pay stay or move. With the subscription prices I should really start figuring out how to move my 400+ entries (thought of saving as html to save those precious comments). But moving would mean leaving behing the simple life in the neighborhood and my url. Ed said "Oh well, can't keep something forever". But actually I can, only that it has an attached price tag. I've talked to Drei about this almost a matter of life and death concern and he too was hesitant to move. Thank God, im not alone in expressing their undying love for the simple features blog-city pampers to its users. And so we somehow came up with a solution, if we cant pay for the $4.50 / £2.30 monthly subscription or a cheaper $45.00 / £25.00 one year subscription (roughly 2205 pesos and almost equal to 83 bottles of RH in a Davao Bar Rate) maybe we can get someone or a lot of someone's to pay for it hehe.

I know no one in their right sober minds would shell out that much for an insanely intoxicated blog of mine but im serious in getting a sponsor until I find my own means to afford to pay it on my own. So folks without further much a do I am knocking on your generous hearts and your pockets as well. I cant find the perfect reason why you should shell out though. Theres probably no reasonable excuse at all but out of the hope that there are still helpful people, i need YOUR cash err help.

PS. inreturn i can do whatever you want me to do except eat liver or ampalaya, dance to the beat of any novelty song, wipe somebody elses ass and other stuff that involves ingestion of anything moving.

Anyways, intersted parties please feel free to email me at and work on the negotiation.

ravissant made this comment,
sana nga 'no? i'm a little upset at the fact that i was a premium blogger w/ them for 3 yrs., now they don't even give you any incentive like offering a discount or keep the free subscription to their loyal bloggers. i don't know how to go about saving all my entries. can you help?
comment added :: 20th March 2007, 03:04 GMT+08 ::
drei made this comment,
waaah what to do?!! to pay or not to pay? who's gonna pay??
comment added :: 20th March 2007, 16:15 GMT+08
lushlips made this comment,
whaaaa!!!! :'(

let's evacuate! hahah miss u na...

comment added :: 20th March 2007, 17:21 GMT+08
e d made this comment,
kapait! wahehehe...
comment added :: 20th March 2007, 19:16 GMT+08
blueskies made this comment,
i haven't decided what to do with this either. can i join the sponsorship wagon? hehehe.

this happened to my online album which i ended up paying for just because its so inconvenient to move 1000+ pictures to another site. ack.

sigh. :(

comment added :: 20th March 2007, 23:42 GMT+08
Shawty made this comment,
we still have some 8 months to figure this out.. drei said lets worry on november hehehehe

incase were evacuating (according to lush) any suggestions where to go? hehehe

comment added :: 21st March 2007, 11:10 GMT+08

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