Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Withdrawal Symptoms

Eubs and I were sitting at their pattio and while he was savouring his source of sanity, I on the other hand was lost in oblivion to the silence that surrounds us. Me coming over at his place waaaaay past midnight did proved two things, first, he is seriously addicted and second, i feed his addiction. Sometimes you just know your friends are having a distress call. The shorter the lines or the fewer the talk, the bigger it is whatever thats bothering them. And so I didnt hesitated to be where I should be that night (or i should say morning), at his side waiting for him to rant and release the angst he had against circumstances.

Looking at him while he is burning his soul to the passion he cant escape, I know he will be ok and im done of being the night's pusher. At that moment there were no right words to say. No profound line will be enough to compensate for how pissed he was for the things he could only wish he had control over. I just let him do his thing and i sat beside him feeling quite guilty that I tolerated him again of his substance. It must have been wrong but, I've known Eubert long enough to know that he can get through anything even if it is unimaginable if he has a cigerrette in his hand. And I will tolerate his undying love to marlboro reds as long as it keeps him going.

I think that as a friend we have the responsibility to listen to the questions haunting our friends. Not because we have to answer them, but we are entitled to hold it for them till sooner or later they figure out their answers. When they want to talk, they really dont want to talk but rather they want to feel that even if they feel like the universe is playing one big joke at them, they are not alone. Whether we are at their side or on the other end of the line it feels good knowing that out of 6 billion people in this freaking planet there's actually one person who would stop with us.

Our ' silent consultation' ended with ate inday's ham and eggs and brewed coffee all set at the table. I so love ate inday, she never rans out of feel good food to feed me whenever Im at the Mabini's. She simply makes food a lot home-y and i kinda missed that kind of setting. Eubs and I talked while eating and sarcasm was all over our breakfast. He says something emo i throw back a few punchlines. I sip my coffee and im smiling from within. He's back, Euberto is back.

And im glad I know how to revive him.

I could sell this to marlboro...

drei made this comment,
wow, great words on friendship. :)
enjoy the coming weekend shawty!
comment added :: 8th February 2007, 12:24 GMT+08 :: http://manofmars.blog-city.com
sunflowergie made this comment,
wee back tenz... nice to read you again...",)


comment added :: 16th February 2007, 06:59 GMT+08
Nix made this comment,
Mannn, i just miss you guys...
comment added :: 26th February 2007, 20:11 GMT+08

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