Friday, October 20, 2006

Miss Call #4

I took my chances on you because it tantamounts to giving myself that chance. The risk is extreme but i worry less since now I know for sure that I can get over you again. I didnt want to see you then because I never understood why you wanted me to let go of you. My pride told you I did, but it took a lot of drunken love talks and a lot of episodes of grey's anatomy to figure it out.

Your scaring the hell out of me by popping out of nowhere and then go missing again. What does that suppose to mean? Was it a game? Were you drunk enough to call me because I would surely understand. I hate it when you do stuffs like that. Stuff that would make me think of you more just when I have already kept myself from not thinking of you. You owe it to me to let me get back on my feet, and you coming into the picture on cue but without the right lines is not helping. Right now im not anymore sure if I was right to invite you over coffee to catch up. I admit on having a lapse of judgement because come to think of it, if you dont even have the balls to talk to me how much more to see me.

I want to see you because I want you to see me and what I have become after you. I dont want to see you because from the way you let me look at things, your not ready for me to see you.

Im not happy now if thats what you want to know, but neither am I sad too. All this time ive been in the borderline of everything because I have known better from taking things into drastic measures. Only time can say if i have fully recovered, if theres such a thing. But I know for myself that im recovering day by day and I wish you the same as well. Gone are the days when we used to have eachother when were scared. Im not going to be there for you anymore because you took that away from me.

Lets both move on with our lives seperately and act civil for real. I can only take one chance with you, one more and thats a totally different story. That would be your turn to take chances on yourself which in the first palce you should have done before I did.

look me in the eye as i say.. ow common!!

Nix made this comment,
comment added :: 24th October 2006, 17:24 GMT+08
anonymous nga eh! made this comment,
wow ha! heavy stuff to! What happened really? Curious lang po... ;-)
comment added :: 4th November 2006, 19:17 GMT+08
the caterpillar made this comment,
gugmang gi-atch? the world will never run out of this from people like us... how's sagada?
comment added :: 5th November 2006, 01:41 GMT+08

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