Friday, November 30, 2007

Free Hugs

I can still remember how it felt when he wrapped his arms around me the moment I opened my apartment's door. Cheesy, but I can actually re-live that moment right now in my thoughts as im typing. That moment when he hugged me in the deepest and yet simplest essence as far as hugging was concern. I needed that hug. I needed his free hug (and hugssss) to remind me that it wasnt a boring day. Because how can it possibly be boring when you get to have someone who has a lasting imprint of a hug in you? The kind that you can feel before it actually happens, while it is happening and even after it happened.

About a few months back i posted this entry "Of Hugs" because i was soo moved about an email I got from CNB which gave me a link to this inspiring and totally awwww-momenty (if there is such a word) video "Free Hugs". The whole thing somewhat started or i should say made the both of us realize of what it really meant to give each other a hug and to receive one. It was one of those "life -pauses" that made me come into conclusion that things are falling into place and life does actually get better, a lot better.

So when Aldrin shared to me what happened with his day (which without his knowledge was Melbourne's love day) I was more than ecstatic hearing it from him that he actually met the guy behind the Free Hugs Campaign, Juan Mann. I was totally starstrucked of the idea that he met the guy who got millions of hits in YouTube (ok i need to set aside my geekness) and of course who made a worldwide impression that a simple gesture actually means a whole lot of loving.

Aldrin says: Im not short, im just sitting down. hehe


samplawer said...

wow... awesome!!!! iyak ako tenz!!!! waaaahhh i badly need a hug.... muwahs!!! nice entry

Anonymous said...

hugs, hugs, more hugs....


mianderthal said...

when are you going to updateeee! XD