Friday, March 23, 2007

2 weeks vacation

One more sleep, an advance comprehensive exam and make that two drinking sessions (one in davao tonight and one in manila tomorrow) and im finally off to my trip to New York. I must admit, going to the Big Apple this time around is something i really looked forward to. Im not sure if its because i only get to have 2+ weeks to hear dad's obnoxious snoring or this excitement is part of the 2007-surprise-me vibe. But nevertheless, im really thankful that I can spend time with my family again since we werent able to go last year aside from kuya. I really really miss my parents, especially mama! I know they cant wait to give me lenghty sermons once i get there hahaha.

Maybe it has something to do with the new set up too. Kuya has been there since May of last year, which makes them 3 in NY and only 2 of us left here (not fair!). Or the fact that this trip might be my last trip to NY with a definite return date. Come end of my senior year and theres no doubt where my ass would be, either in padada planting kamote or in uncle sam's terf.

Still have some last minute shopping to do, documents to leave to eubert and people to see and talk before I leave. Mura kog korek noh hahahahaha sa makasabot lang..

Good thing no one ever thought of a Davao City official condom.. It could probably come in Durain flavor hahaha

ravissant made this comment,
wow, you're going back to NY. I'm jealous!
comment added :: 24th March 2007, 15:51 GMT+08
blueskies made this comment,
yey you'll have your vacation! they still didn't finalize mine. :( can't wait to see pictures again.

hmmm durian flavoured eh? :P

comment added :: 25th March 2007, 21:54 GMT+08
lushlips made this comment,
naman.. naman... nakaalis ka na! just enjoy ur vacation mare.. ill wait for ur photos... mwauh! God bless.
comment added :: 26th March 2007, 12:49 GMT+08
drei made this comment,
NYC!! :) pasalubong mo sakin yan! haha!
comment added :: 4th April 2007, 17:00 GMT+08 ::

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